Vedic Oracle By Kadambari
Know yourself through Vedic astrology

Let's bring out the magic in you....
Our Vedas ,Upanishads and Epics are the very true blessings to us.
Lets decode them and make the best out of them.
I've always firmly believed in what the great American cartoonist Bill Keane said
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
Why do we always dread about future?
Let's not waste what we have today, purpose of life is to be happy :)
The Vedic Oracle will help you to realize your very own strength and potential.
Let's make our life Simpler and Happier..

The need of spiritual assistance...
Vedic Oracle By Kadambari
My Guru once asked me ''this world consist of immensely talented people, have you wondered why everyone doesn't get the equivalent platform and opportunities?''
My answers had nothing but all social causes and lastly I answered DESTINY.
My Guru smiled back and said ''You left out the most important thing-SPIRITUAL ASSISTANCE''

How Can We Help You.....
Many people come to me with their problems and more than problems they are burdened with views of other astrologers.
There is a big section of astrologers who misguide and scare people like anything.
Expensive gemstones,Pooja, Abhishekam,Yantra,Yagna etc are their key to big fat income.
Astrology was created to benefit the mankind not to frighten them.
Here at The Vedic Oracle more importance is given to spiritual assistance as one of the most powerful remedy.
As there is nothing more powerful than GOD.
A right interpretation of birth chart and a small remedy can modify your life beautifully.
Welcome to the World of Astrology

Knowledge of astrology came to me through inheritance. Both of my maternal grandparents dedicated their lives in exploring the Secrets of Ancient Indian Texts & Astrological Science. I still remember in the amidst of a typical South Indian Household (Chettinad style decor),My Granny use to start her day with chanting a short version of Bhagvad Gita in Tamil, which was composed by my Grandpa. After that we both use to spent the entire day in front porch area, where she use to share her pearls of knowledge. For them knowledge of astrology was not like an educational degree, It's more of a never ending exploration. The more you explore, the more you learn.Though I'm a qualified dentist & clinical nutritionist, But my passion for Astrology keeps me dedicated in exploring this amazing science.

What Lord Krishna Said To His Consort Rukmini...
Make the best out of the one part of God that resides in you <3
Once Rukmini asked Lord Krishna''After sharing your love with every being on this Earth, Are you left with anything for me?''Lord Krishna smiled and replied '' Dear love every thing in this world every tree, every rock, every animal, every human has a part of me in them but you have the whole of me , you have seen me and experienced me in every form, every avatar, nothing of mine has been hidden from you, so you own me.''
So if you doubt your capabilities you doubt him. Every day one must ask for his help and guidance.
Vedic astrology,Spiritual guidance and a strong willpower can change your life beautifully.

Vedic astrology is Sciene, not some Hocus pocus
Note From The Author
Vedic astrology is Science,not about enchantment and charms business, fooling people all around. I've met people who would ask for predictions daily from me, even they have visited all the astrologers in town but in front of the world they would absolutely deny in the existence and truthfulness of vedic astrology.People ask for magical stones or yantras to cure the problems and when astrologer deny such things they feel as if astrologer knows nothing.Astrology gives a blue print of your life,preparing you for the good and bad times of your life. No stones or charms can change your course of destiny, only hardwork and spiritual assistance can. If an astrologer promises you all the riches of world by some costly pooja or stones, its time to run away from them.Never ever have unrealistic expectations from Vedic Astrology
Opening Hours
For consultation , contact on the following E-mail ID
Mon - Sat: 9am-9pm
Sunday - Closed